It's not that I need to justify it, but I'd like to recall what's been going on in my life during this two years.
- My first son and second child was born in April 2013. We are four, and we are happier than before.
- I found a new job at Ericsson, as a research and development engineer. I joined the company in January 2012 and I'm currently playing a role as a technical team leader for a development team in SAPC.
- I had and overcame cancer. I had a rare kind of cancer: liposarcoma. I got a fat tumor removed from my right armpit in February 2012, followed by 6 weeks of radiotherapy between April and June. I currently have regular reviews and everything is fine. According to statistics, the probability of the tumor coming back after treatment is 5%, and decreases along time.
- I completed a Master in Software Engineering that started in February 2012 and ended in July 2013.
- I learned about Coursera and its wonderful course offering. I accomplished the course Functional Programming Principles in Scala in November 2013.
The main reason for not writing any posts during this time is that I was too busy taking care of my family, my own health, my job and my training. So almost any spare time that I could spend using my computer at home was devoted to studying.
I hope I can write here regularly from now on, but one post a week is probably a too ambitious goal to meet. Let's see how I get by and go on with it.