

This is a project that has been around my head for a while now. The truth is that the feeling to start writing a blog has been getting much stronger for the last months.

I'll try to be disciplined on writing at least one post a week. It is not a hard to achieve objective, but I hope it will make possible two things: a) get myself used to analyze, write and communicate on various subjects on a regular basis with a soft transition (from thinking to actually doing), and b) I'll get the chance to think about any actual progress or experience (or lack of any) in my work life every week.

For months, I've been thinking about where to write, whether to limit myself to write about software and technical stuff or have a broader range of subject, where to open it, whether to register my own domain or not, to set it up on my own server and use wordpress or drupal or just use a blog service out there, and then which one?, ...

The little push in the back that I actually needed to start this up has been reading Rework. I finally realized that basics for a blog are content and where or how to hold it are secondary. So I took what I have right now, which is my Google account.

Let's see where it gets.